Christmas Mini Sessions are the perfect time to dress up the family, pose in front of the Christmas tree and get that great photo for your holiday card! But these short and sweet sessions can also be anxiety inducing for parents and children alike!
Wait! Isn't it supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year?!
Yes, it is!
With the tips below, you can increase the chances of your Christmas Mini Session being full of smiles and laughter and ensure that we create a gallery of holiday pictures that you will want to look back on year after year.

Prep the Kids!
It's good to prepare your kids prior to the session by explaining to them where you are going and what they can expect.
You can tell them that they will be seeing Emily, who will be taking their picture. Let them know that the pictures are important to you and that they will get a special treat once they are done.
While in my regular length family sessions I don't promote bribing (we just hang out and let kids do their thing and relax into a session), mini sessions are more time bound so offering a reward for desirable behaviour can go a long way!

Fill Those Bellies!
Prior to your Christmas mini session, make sure the whole family is well fed! If your kids are like mine, that may mean packing snacks to eat on the way too.
Bring snacks that are 'no mess' so you are not scrambling to clean stains off clothes when you arrive. I suggest snacks like crackers, apple slices and water or juice!
Be sure to take care of yourself too. So often we are busy looking after everyone else we forget to keep ourselves fed and hydrated. Take care of you.

Get Some Rest!
Book a session time that works with your family's schedule. Encourage a nap beforehand, but if that is not possible, enjoy quiet activities before the session.
It's no secret, tired kids can be more challenging. I'm challenging when I'm tired so who can blame them?!

Plan Your Outfits Ahead of Time
Pick out your own outfit first. Then select your family's outfits that are complementary to what you have chosen for yourself. Spring for that beautiful dress, if that is your style! If jeans and a t-shirt are more 'you', consider pairing that with a kimono and accessories like a belt, earrings and/or statement necklace. A few key tips are below:
1. Select neutral colours: you want to blend nicely with the background, not stick out prominently!
2. Accessorize: think jewelry, belts, etc....
3. Textures: Add in cardigans, lace, etc... to add texture to your photos.
4. Select complementary colours for your family, but not the same colour! Keep patterns to a maximum of 1 -2 within the family wardrobe - have the other family members wear solid colours.
For additional tips, check out my blog post 10 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Family Photo Outfits.
Below are some great colour palette suggestions!

This one speaks for itself. Children have a sixth sense to pick up on when their parents are the least little bit stressed out or anxious. Do your very best to relax, take things as they come and take comfort in knowing you have a photographer who is great with kids!
I can't wait to capture holiday magic with my clients this year and the tips above will set everyone up for a great session!
If you'd like to learn more about Christmas mini sessions with Emily Grace Photography, or to book, click here! Mini Sessions